
I did obedience with Syrah and she did it very well! She also has a talent for herding and now we have started flyball! Unfortunately due to an injury syrah had to stop with flyball luckily syrah still enjoys her walks to the fullest!

Pedigree Name : K'Syrah

Date of birth: 01/09/2011

Height : ±51 cm     Weight :  18kilo

ECVO: free 2017

CEA/CH : carrier

TNS : free

HD :  HD A  

ED : 0/0    

SD (OCD) :0/0

Breeding certificate :obtained ​

Syrah is my first border collie and I got her from my aunt who once had a litter with her border collie Fie!

It was very soon clear that Syrah was meant for me! ​ Syrah is a dog I can read and write with, one that made my dream come true! Syrah is a very social dog and has a great will to please.

She also really wants to do everything for you! Once she goes for something, she really goes for it! I often say that she is an all-rounder because I think she would have been suitable for any sport! Retrieving and frisbee love them. She also really likes learning tricks, for example, I recently taught her to limp, a trick that she grasped pretty quickly!

Syrah 9 jaar op deze foto! 

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